Green Energy

Collect the sun and provide reliability.

It is essential for humans to have reliable access to a basic supply of clean water and energy for a good and dignified life.

There are many areas in WEST AFRICA where basic resources like affordable energy and access to clean water are unavailable.
Without the very basics, like clean water and a stable and reliable energy supply, it is not just hard but almost impossible for a society to grow and live up to its potential. Many people are suffering as a result of this inadequacy, which has further negative consequences for them as individuals and for society as a whole.
We are focusing on Senegal and Gambia as a starting point in order to provide a realistic solution based on cutting-edge technology that has been scientifically validated and tried.

Atlantic water and river water can be accessed in large areas of the country.This water needs to be processed in order to be made into clean drinking water because it cannot be utilized as drinking water. Desalination and reverse osmosis are two methods that can be used to accomplish this.
We select desalination because the procedure yields water with a high level of quality, allowing us to have water of extremely high quality. As a byproduct, salt will be produced, which has food quality.

Renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic or wind will offer the processing energy required, depending on the specific location and its profile.

Stable energy is just about guaranteed if the whole system and its network are being considered. The balance between demand and supply is particularly important when it comes to electrical power supply. So it is not possible just to provide renewable energy sources without considering the overall structure with its physical and regulatory constraints. Nonetheless, the potential for solar, wind, and biogas energy in WEST AFRICA is huge.

Storage technologies are another important factor in the energy system to make sure the volatile supply of solar and wind energy is captured and used at the right time. With that said, it becomes clear that it is not just about energy transmission but also about storage to have energy available even when the wind is low and the sun is not shining.

As a matter of fact, it takes a combination of technologies to ensure the stability and availability of energy, ensuring that every citizen has access to the necessary resources whenever they are required and in the proper quantity.

With the first water cleaning project, we demonstrate the enormous potential and benefits for the country. This is the first step toward a more comprehensive and holistic approach to the overall water and energy supply. To ensure cashflow for project development, the water produced will be bottled directly on site and integrated into the supply chain. This is done in collaboration with to ensure quick amortization and avoid local risks as foreign sellers. It is one of the major pillars of the overall project that we execute all projects in collaboration with reliable local partners.

Further projects will be developed in greater detail during the project management of the first project. The goal is not only to convert sea water, but also to cover the entire life cycle, which includes cleaning used water and reintroducing it into the water cycle in order to establish a sustainable water supply system with no CO2 emissions because the necessary energy for the entire system will be provided by green energy. As a result, our three energy supply pillars are wind, solar, and biogas.The goal for biogas, like water supply, is a complete, sustainable cycle.

As previously stated, the first project is also a proof of concept to demonstrate TERRA 21 ENERGY’s trusting partnership with our local partners. The next steps will have an even greater impact on the stable and sustainable supply of green energy. It is important to note that we do not select a single solution as the holy grail, but rather prefer a realistic and optimal mix of available technologies, as each has advantages and disadvantages depending on the specific use case.

For example, one very interesting aspect of clean water produced by desalination is that it can even be used for hydrogen production, as clean water is required for efficient production. Hydrogen can be used in a variety of ways, and the parameters of a specific use case will indicate whether hydrogen is the best solution. It will take some effort to handle it in the form of gas, but it can be methanated and integrated into existing natural gas infrastructures. There are always pros and cons, but it’s a matter of finding the right balance to achieve maximum efficiency, stability, and sustainability.

We have over ten years of wind power experience and intend to use cutting-edge wind turbines. We plan the turbines based on the location of the installation to ensure an optimal power curve with maximum electrical energy output. We typically plan for direct-drive generators without gearboxes to ensure less frequent service and greater reliability. We will ensure up to 97% production-based availability through service level agreements.

We select the appropriate turbine types and service level agreements based on the size of the wind park and the location profile. We do not rely on a single technology or supplier to maximize location utilization. So, before those projects are scoped, a proper site assessment will provide the necessary parameters to select the right technology, always keeping in mind the project’s holistic views as well as the power grid’s stability. All technological solutions will be grid code compliant, and the project will always take grid structure into account. We also provide grid expansion consulting services in collaboration with our local partners.

Storage is another critical component of a long-term, stable power supply. We understand that the sun does not always shine and that the wind does not always blow, but this does not mean that green energy is not the way to go. We can store energy; the technology is available.We have several options for storing electrical power based on the storage characteristics. When it comes to efficiency, storage time, self-discharge, transportation, and other factors, different storage types have distinct characteristics and behaviors. Depending on the demand, we decide whether to use electrical, thermal, or chemical storage. The important thing here is that sustainability and CO2 emission reduction are already built into the design.

To ensure a low CO2 footprint in the future, we will consider the green house gas protocol in all three scopes of our evaluations.
Scope 1 is about direct emissions, such as when burning gas for process heat.
Scope 2 also includes indirect emissions, such as when electrical power is used and it is generated by a plant that uses fossil fuels such as coal or natural gas.
Scope 3 takes into account the entire supply chain and all emissions within it.

As a result, the TOKEN4WATER scope is more broadly a developing project to set up a whole system to ensure green, sustainable cycles of supply for both water and energy.

To ensure a successful integration into the existing infrastructure, we divided the workload between TERRA 21 ENERGY and our local partners as follows:

TERRA 21 ENERGY’s scope includes project management, development, and execution. This means that we scope the projects, deliver the necessary machines, power plants, and so on, install and support the plants, consult on future development, and train local workers to operate and maintain the plants.
Many jobs will be created as a result of the overall implementation of a sustainable water and energy supply.

L O C A L – P A R T N E R S :
Operations of plants, hire and manage personal, sales structure to ensure revenue and with that ROI.

P R O O F :
To develop and execute this and future projects, we rely on the expertise and experience of our project team, as well as our strong relationships with investors and local partners.
TERRA 21 ENERGY has successfully installed and operates a number of energy plants in Germany using dependable German technology. Biogas in Hilten, xMW, Heat and Energy, and so on.
We have highly experienced colleagues in project management from various fields, such as wind energy, photovoltaics, and real estate.

Green energy production and storage by converting wind and solar energy into clean water.
Hydrogen and biogas production: the energy of the future!

The wind and the sun are our energy sources, which should be stored. This is done by converting it into 100% clean water through seawater desalination plants.
The water obtained is then used.
• As a starting product to produce hydrogen gas (Hydrogen Energy)
• For drinking water supply and storage, as clear water for bottling

The energy requirement is high, so the plants in WEST AFRICA are projected to use the available solar energy and the wind currents over the Atlantic. Water from the Atlantic is used as a raw material in the first plants. This is available in consistent quality with no quantity restrictions.
The seawater desalination plants will be built in Gambia and Senegal on the Atlantic coast and will be operated by local partners.
For the continuous utilization of the plants, the 24-hour power supply is additionally supported by biogas plants, with the gas produced from waste materials. The biogas power is used when solar and wind energy is not available in sufficient quantities or serves to balance out power fluctuations.

„take the wind and drink the water“

Our vision is to demonstrate how energy can be generated in an environmentally friendly manner, stored in the form of water, and then used as a new form of energy all the way up to the production of hydrogen gas.

TERRA 21 ENERGY | production + storage of green energy


All images and photos © by TERRA 21 ENERGY GmbH & Co. KG